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19/11/08TouchFreeze 0.2.3Version 0.2.3 has a new UI, finally saves settings and offers the possibility to disable the delay feature completely. Also, driver versions should be detected properly now! Bugs are to be expected, please report them!30/07/08TouchFreeze 0.2.2Version 0.2.2 adds a context menu and some package clean-up. Download it under the download section!24/06/08TouchFreeze for Linux 0.2Finally 0.2 arrives. There is also included a patch from Pau Garcia i Quiles which adds an "enable" menu entry. Furthermore Carol Meertens volunteers to package touchfreeze for Intrepid which is actually quite nice news! Have a look at the "Authors" file to see who is involved and how to contact.12/01/08TouchFreeze for Linux pre 0.2 and annoucing end of {q/k}synapticsFirst the rant, then the grant ;)You all know that {k,q}synaptics development had been rather slow lately. I even will stop it completely now, and I will explain you why: You might have noticed that the latest ksynaptics version does not work any more once again. As you know your touch pad in X can be accessed if you use the synaptics driver. Since its interface had been subject of change I developed libsynaptics to encapsulate the functionality across different driver versions. Something happened short time ago and the driver got accepted into the XOrg tree (is that right?). But now again the interface is changing and nobody cared to update the version numbering the driver reports. Besides there does not seem to be much attention to what would be needed to have a clean interface to access and configure the driver. Strictly spoken, there's not much I can do about it! So I decided to copy the functionality of TouchFreeze for Windows (a GoS Project) to create something which is much easier to maintain but similary useful nevertheless! First I tried to use something like Xevie to catch native events but it is both insecure and buggy. Hence, a no-go. So I finally basically copied the functionality of 'syndaemon' into a Qt4 tray applet which can be used with KDE3/4 and Gnome. I know it is still a hack, but it took me only a few hours and works for me (Ubuntu, with synaptics driver shm access enabled) which is awesome compared to the ongoing troubles I faced during the maintenance of ksynaptics. So, please, download it and be happy or even enhance the code, there is still a lot of small improvements to be done... I'd like to thank all people that helped me during development, it has been fun working with you, and maybe sb wants to grab up the work and integrate it in KDE4 (that would be nice, even platform independence seems possible) Facts: Put the binary in your ~/.kde/Autostart or whatever - that should do the trick! Yeah, and happy new year, of course :) TouchFreeze pre 0.2 source 30/06/07TouchFreeze for Linux 0.1Lately I got tired about ksynaptics and even came to the conclusion that the whole configuration of a pad isn't too useful. Most useful is the thing syndaemon does and therefore I've started a new little project.I found and installed TouchFreeze, a relatively new windows program that avoids tapping while typing under windows (syndaemon for windows, eh :). I've created a linux equivalent using Qt4 that will run under both Gnome and KDE. TouchFreeze does not use libsynaptics or the synaptics touch pad driver in any way but the Xevie extension which is disabled in xorg.conf generally. Requirements: Build: Adapt xorg.conf: Section "Extensions" Option "XEVIE" "Enable" EndSection That's it! credits fly to 22/02/07libsynaptics 0.14.6c + ksynaptics 0.3.3A new release of libsynaptics and ksynaptics is now available. This fixes several bugs and breaks backward compatibility with earlier libsynaptics versions.This is why you will have to update both libsynaptics and ksynaptics or keep your current versions. Changelog:
Install libsynaptics 0.14.c first! Since the latest libsynaptics breaks backwards compatibility, you cannot use any libsynaptics prior to 0.14.c! 21/07/06libsynaptics 0.14.6aThis replaces the previous library version (no debug any more).Besides it supports the latest driver version 0.14.6. UPDATE: there's a autotool bugfix update, please use 0.14.6b instead! 10/06/06libsynaptics 0.14.5aThere is a new version of the synaptics driver, and if you want to use it you should install this new version of libsynaptics.Please note that this is a debug build, and report any failures, please :) 11/03/06KSynaptics 0.3.1 & libsynaptics 0.14.4dKSynaptics 0.3.1 is now available:03/02/06KSynaptics 0.3.0Finally, there's a new release of ksynaptics.Bugs were fixed and syndock got more usable. Here's a minimized change log: 02/01/06libsynaptics 0.14.4cThis is the first official release of a small C++ library usable by the synaptics driver version 0.14.4.The version numbering will follow any driver releases, the appended letter marks releases due to bug fixing. 24/12/05Merry Chrismas!!My notebook has committed suicide after another attempt to exchange its malfunctional cdrom drive. It is unlikely to be repairable, so the development of ksynaptics will be delayed for an unknown period of time until I can afford another one. I am as sad as you ought to be, dudes :( 19/12/05KSynaptics 0.2.4This is supposed to be the latest release of the old ksynaptics series. After version 0.3.0 ksynaptics will depend on libsynaptics supporting driver version 0.14.4 and above. Install this version of ksynaptics if you don't want to wait any longer!It will not work with version 0.14.3, though! 08/12/05libsynaptics 0.14.4blibsynaptics is an effort to eliminate version related problems in ksynaptics by providing upwards compatibility above new Xorg touch pad driver releases. This version of the library supports the latest driver version (0.14.4) only and will be updated on each driver release.This release is done for experienced users and developers only, this is no new ksynaptics release (although the new, soon-coming ksynaptics release will depend on it!). libsynaptics gzip libsynaptics bzip2 27/10/05KSynaptics 0.2.3Now that the translations are useable there is a demand for translators. If you have the possibility and time, please commit some updates! Please: If you send me bug reports, include a dump of synclient -l, this is really helpful! I hope you'll enjoy :) 18/10/05KSynaptics 0.2.2Note: You'll need both synclient and syndaemon for a working Smart Mode. A debian package will be apt-gettable soon. Thanks to Arnaud Quette and Rafael Rodríguez :) 16/09/05KSynaptics 0.2.1Just a compilation fix on GCC4 and AMD64 machines.More to come, stay tuned! 19/02/05KSynaptics 0.2.0Good news!KSynaptics 0.2.0 is out, bringing the following features: You'll need the 0.14.0 synaptics driver release. Have a look at the TODOs. If you got the feeling something important's missing or there's a bug, mail me. Update: Andrea Dieni also lately provided a slackware package, which is available under downloads! 12/01/05KSynaptics 0.1.9 and Synaptics driver 0.14.0A happy new year has just begun and there's a new synaptics driver release.I really recommend that update, it has great improvements! KSynaptics 0.2.0 isn't ready yet, but since there's currently no version supporting the new driver version I decided to release a 0.1.9 preview. Most of the work has been contributed by Nadeem Hasan - thanks alot! If you're using smart mode I suggest you stick to KSynaptics 1.2 since it's not reimplemented yet. Changelog: 27/10/04KSynaptics 0.1.2 releasedChangelog:The next release will be working without syndaemon and synclient. Update: Arnaud Quette kindly provided a Debian package, which is available in the download section. Another update: ksynaptics is now apt-gettable if you use debian unstable. 08/10/04KSynaptics 0.1.1 releasedNot many changes, dudes, but internal ones!Please be patient, I didn't forget your feature requests :) 20/09/04KSynaptics moved to kdenonbetaThere are some recent changes that are only available in KDE CVS, and also a nasty bug.I will abandon the ksynaptics branch on SF's CVS but keep the qsynaptics branch. There will be source tarball releases from time to time and backports of the most important changes into QSynaptics. 05/08/04>An initial KSynaptics release and QSynaptics is in DebianThanks to Arnaud Quette QSynaptics is uploaded to the Debian Mirrors and should be apt-gettable very soon.Meanwhile there's an initial KDE release of the promised KControl module. It offers same functionality but may still contain bugs. The "Default" setting button isn't implemented yet. If you're too lazy to install, you just want to adore the new shot in the screen shot section :) a 29/06/04QSynaptics 0.21: "KDE preparer"I forgot to update this page, but there's another minor release.Just some cosmetics / bugfixes, no new functionality. If you don't have any troubles I'd suggest waiting for the next major release! 20/06/04QSynaptics 0.2: "circular argument"This release offers new circular scrolling configurability, advanced tapping options and some slight UI improvements.Old bugs have been replaced by new ones >8^) Check it out, circular scrolling is really nice! 12/06/04New homeAfter using quite a while a simple redirect to the source forge project page, it's getting time to get that more clearly arranged.The 0.2 release is near, just a few bug fixes and some testing. Most probably I'll start an ksynaptics branch after that. 31/05/04QSynaptics 0.11a: "cmdline restore"Now you can invoke QSynaptics from the command line to restore your personal settings.You have to run it once regularily, for it will generate you an ~/.qsynaptics file. Furthermore: 19/05/04QSynaptics 0.1: "initial release"This is the very first release, so don't expect too much.It still doesn't save your configuration permanently, and doesn't support all important options. | ||||||
(c) 2004 by Stefan Kombrink |